Planning a student night with Weezevent

Whether you expect 10 or 1,000 students, at a bar or in a specific venue, Weezevent’s solution will help you plan your student parties!

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Planning a student night with the snap of your fingers

To plan an event like a student night, it is best to follow a few key steps. Weezevent offers several tools to make planning easier. Manage your participants with an online ticketing platform, design your tickets, control access…

  • Create your event for free on Weezevent.
  • Set-up your ticketing in a few clicks.
  • Add your own artwork to your tickets.
  • A ticketing module designed for students

    Are you planning a fresher’s party, an end of exams party or a graduation celebration? Do you simply want to celebrate the end of the year for your school? Create your event on Weezevent. Registration is free and without subscription. Customise your event, add a description, a location, a start and end date, a logo or have all you need to generate interest in attending your student party.

  • Set-up your pre-sales

    Add ticket prices: fixed, pay what you want, or free. Set-up a ticket booking service. Offer to sell tickets in batches, with or without a drinks voucher — alcohol or soft drinks. Set-up a total number of tickets for sale or choose a quota per rate. Go even further, selling tickets is also an opportunity to sell t-shirts and goodies with your student union’s logo. Make it possible to book shuttles or transportation in advance for your students. It is your ticketing module, you decide!

Tickets in your school's branding

Your communication chair has designed artwork that you would like to showcase on your tickets? Would you like to match your tickets to your party theme or your union’s branding? Customise them by adding your student union’s logo. From your planner section, you can create a template for all tickets or change the content and design for each ticket price. Download samples to get inspiration and see a preview of the end result. It’s all in your hands!

I choose Weezevent
Landing – EN – Solution organiser soirée étudiante

Use student networks

Integrate your ticketing plug-in to your student union’s website. If you don’t have one, create a minisite for free with Weezevent. Add a title, a description, some artwork…this minisite is yours! Integrate the ticketing plug-in to your Facebook event as well as your Facebook page to increase awareness! Share it on alumni networks and Facebook class or student groups in the city.  It is easy and very efficient. What are you waiting for?


Create promo codes

Adapt to student’s tight budgets. Gain their loyalty by offering promo codes and free tickets to your student night. Set-up a quota for those, manage the discount amounts and set-up a period of validity.  Choose free and efficient communication! Increase awareness: create competitions on social media and share your ticketing’s URL.


Une billetterie aux fonctionnalités infinies

No more endless hours at the campus cafeteria selling tickets for your student night. WeezTicket gives you all the tools to plan the best student night from the comfort of your couch:

  • Manage your pre-sales, your membership fees and your online registrations
  • Track your sales in real time
  • Sell additional products (sweatshirts, hats, tote bags, USB keys, mugs, etc.)
  • Send invitations to your partners
  • Etc.
  • Ready in 5 min
  • No exclusivity requirement
  • No commitment and no minimum sales
  • Earnings paid twice a month

Collect information about your students

Create registration forms to fill upon placing an order. Edit them depending on the ticket price. They will allow you to collect various information about your participants: first and last name, matriculation year, subject, school, email address, phone number… Build a database without spending a penny. Invite them to your next night and set yourself apart as the best planner thanks to Weezevent!

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Manage access to your night

Whether your night is in a bar, a club or a privatised venue, safety is an important aspect. Prevent fraud and increase the flow at entrances using WeezAccess. Special passes can be granted to DJs, staff or even students of a specific year. The app is free and available to download from your smartphone — on iOS and Android. If you expect a big crowd, you can opt for our WeezAccess Pro solution. Wait no more and choose Weezevent!

  • View your stats in real time
  • Export your data easily
  • Create promo codes

Ready to organise a student night?

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