Cashless payments: Make sure your events are one step ahead.
Discover our free handbook for event planners.

Receive a copy of our white paper
What are cashless payments? How do I set this up? What are the challenges of event planning? All you need to know about dematerialized payments is in this white paper.
The benefits for event planners
Decreasing waiting time, increasing revenue, improving access flow… Discover the many benefits of cashless payments for your events.
The keys to a successful roll-out
To be a truly useful tool, roll-out of cashless payments requires good project management. In this white paper, other event planners share their experience alongside best practices to roll-out cashless the way that is best for you.
The future of event planning
Our cashless payment system continuously evolves based on the needs of event planners. This handbook outlines where cashless is headed over the next few years.
Tech partner of event planners for the past 10 years, Weezevent shares here its expertise and analysis of new industry insights. This white paper is the result of 3 years of cashless roll-outs and has been designed with all event planners in mind.