FME 2020: 5 weeks to organise a festival in the midst of a pandemic
The Festival de Musique Émergente in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, the ultimate summer music event in Quebec, has revised its format to comply with social distancing rules and offer its loyal audience three days of up-and-coming, 100% Quebecker music.

- 0 Covid-19 cases associated with the Festival
- 5 weeks of preparation only
- 40 access lists
- 80% of tickets sold in 1 hour
Securing a long-awaited sale
With capacity reduced by three quarters for public health reasons, tickets were very popular with the public, and the festival was regularly sold out.
A communication initiative in several stages, with the announcement of the programme several days before tickets went on sale, allowed festivalgoers to familiarise themselves with the artists before choosing their tickets.
When tickets went on sale, the queuing and secure payment systems offered with Weezevent’s online ticketing moderated the flow of buyers and guaranteed the smooth running of sales.
Configuring and managing quotas with precision
Managing quotas by price and by order helped satisfy as many festivalgoers as possible and fine-tune each hall’s capacity.
Depending on the layout of the halls and their staffing needs, the organisation was able to release a number of tickets the week before the festival for any latecomers.
Mastering flexible access control with real-time monitoring
On site, the ticketing and entrance teams were trained in the simple and intuitive access control system via the WeezAccess professional terminals. This made the reception process quick and contactless, from the scanning of e-tickets and distribution of hydroalcoholic gel to the announcement of safety instructions and placement in the hall.
A quota of tickets was reserved for those accredited and an order of priority was defined at the entrances. This allowed guests, then the media, then the technical teams as well as volunteers to access the concerts. Real-time access monitoring, with separate access lists, allowed the organisation to prioritise admissions with some flexibility in order to satisfy its teams.
Limiting contact with a cashless system
All those accredited (the organisation, artists, media and volunteers) were given a badge with a photo and NFC chip to present at entrances to the halls and to catering, and to use for their free drinks at the bars. Contact was avoided as much as possible and the topping-up of badges directly via the cashless payment interface saved precious preparation time for organisers.

“Weezevent made it possible for us to organise the Festival in just 5 weeks because its team and its system are reliable and adapt well to all our specific needs. What’s more, the email addresses obtained via the online ticketing system allowed us to send festivalgoers all information relating to COVID-19 and the relevant changes in real time.”
Magali Monderie-Larouche General Manager of the Festival de Musique Émergente