Planning a symposium using Weezevent

A symposium is a key event for any company. Increase your odds of success by using a reliable and comprehensive online registration and admission control solution. Set-up talks and workshop schedules, create passes, scan tickets using a mobile app. Weezevent gives you access to all these features and more.

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Seamlessly plan your symposium

A symposium is a professional event requiring a specific planning process. Whatever your event – team-building or incentive-related, muti-team or management-oriented – Weezevent is the solution you need. You can create an online registration module, send invitations, let your co-workers know about the programme…

  • Create an online registration module.
  • Easily invite your co-workers.
  • Give them the symposium’s programme.

Bring your symposium to life

Register for free on Weezevent! Create your account in the blink of an eye, then adjust the settings. Add your company’s name, the name and contact details of its legal representative. Create your symposium from your event planner account. Give it a name, a location, a date and a time. Set-up your first ticket type and you’re good to go! If your event is free, Weezevent does not retain any commission on tickets.

Plan a symposium

Play the corporate card

You can customise your symposium’s widget in line with your company’s branding. Add your logo and some useful information about the event in the description. Define your event’s goals and aims as well as its theme. Edit your tickets’ design so that they match your company’s visual identity. Add an image and some text to your tickets to detail the programme of the symposium. Weezevent’s solution is user-friendly and fully customisable.

Landing – EN-CA – Organiser un séminaire
  • Easy to set up.
  • Earnings paid every 2 weeks.
  • Pay only if you sell.
  • Ready in 5 minutes.

A custom solution for your symposium

Would you like to plan work meetings, focus groups or organise activities during the symposium? You can set-up your registration module with different time-slots. Create as many sessions as you’d like. Set-up a start time for your activity and create quotas. You can add a registration form and even ask your co-workers to upload documents such as proof of ID or medical certificates.

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    Keep your co-workers informed

    You can keep your co-workers informed about your symposium in several ways. Integrate the registration module to a page on your website. Create a dedicated minisite for the symposium and add an access code if needed. Mention the symposium in a newsletter with a direct link to your site. Share your widget link on your company’s social media. Send invitations as an attachment to a customised email directly from your planner account.

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    Be ready on the day

    Calmly welcome your co-workers on the day of your event. Set-up and print control lists. Download the WeezAccess app for free and turn your smartphone into an admission control terminal for the event. Create custom designed passes for each department, subsidiary or speaker. Prepare everything ahead of time to have peace of mind on the day and enjoy the symposium.

For all kinds of symposiums

Weezevent’s solution is applicable to all kinds of symposiums – religious, teaching, scientific, corporate…

Find out more about our features:

  • Fully customise your ticketing module
  • Create and share promo codes
  • Send invitations to your symposium
  • Export the data collected about your attendees
  • Track your sales in real time
  • Set-up control lists
Plan a symposium

What type of professional event are you planning?

Weezevent helps 160,000+ planners of all kinds in the planning and success of their event. Plan a successful:

    • View your stats in real time
    • Export your data easily
    • Create promo codes

    Ready to plan a symposium?

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