Plan a training

Planning a training has never been so easy! Weezevent gives you all the tools you’ll need to run a great training: online registration, ticketing, customised invitations, various sessions…

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Easily plan a training.

Organising a training can sometimes seem difficult, considering that it differs so much from other professional events. Optimise your training management and choose effective communication with Weezevent! Customise your online registration forms, send unique invitations, view your booking statistics in real time and prepare for the arrival of your participants. Use our tools to manage your training optimally and make it a success.

  • Easy to set up
  • Earnings paid every 2 weeks
  • Pay only if you sell
  • Ready in 5 minutes

Manage registrations to your training.

Create your registration platform for free in a few clicks using Weezevent. Add all the information that will be useful to your attendees: date, time, venue, training schedule…Are you planning several sessions? Set-up your booking module in sessions to make registration easier for your participants. Create registration forms with fully customisable fields and collect valuable information about your students!

Start now

Communicate like a pro!

Optimise your communication and multiply sales channels using Weezevent. Add your registration module to one of your website pages directly. You don’t have a website? Easily create a Weezevent minisite for free. Use social media to increase awareness of your event! Add your registration module to your Facebook event and page. Invite participants from your previous training in a few clicks directly from your organiser dashboard.


Easily plan a training.

  • Fast

    Our registration solution is easy to use and does not require advanced IT skills.

  • Convenient

    Customise what you want - from registration forms to invitations - and turn your training into a unique moment.

  • Comprehensive

    Registration, ticketing, access control, invitations, emails… make the most of our services, they will make it easier for you to organise your training!

Tools for a successful training.

It is not easy for an event planner to manage various training sessions with a high number of participants. We have put in place user-friendly tools for you:

  • Create promo codes to retain your participants
  • Customise your e-tickets and paper tickets
  • Add participants manually
  • Restrict the number of available registrations
Create your free account

Give your participants a warm welcome.

Get your training participants’ contact details, export the list in a CSV format and collect their details. Send them an email the day before or on the day to remind them of the important information: time, closest parking, what to bring…Do you expect a lot of people? Download our WeezAccess app for free to scan their tickets.

Illustration terminaux de contrôle d'accès WeezAccess

What type of professional event are you planning?

Weezevent helps 160,000+ planners of all kinds in the planning and success of their event. Plan a successful:

  • View your stats in real time
  • Export your data easily
  • Optimise your communication channels

Ready to plan a training?

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