In most organisations, the various components of the event come together naturally, like pieces of a puzzle, thanks to the teams’ experience and habits. Every manager takes care of implementing and organising the assignments falling within their scope.
Implementing a cashless system is a different project because it falls under the responsibility of everyone involved: communication, ticketing, bars, catering, merchandising, general services, etc. Every service needs to rally!
For many organisations, this is the first time in a very long time that such a comprehensive project is being carried out. When the decision is made to integrate and roll-out a dematerialised payment solution, it impacts the entire event. The decision is taken early on and thus will fit into the various stages of event planning.
It often turns out that unit managers are not familiar with their colleagues’ processes and working methods. Internal communication problems can surface when rolling-out the solution.
Therefore, a cashless project must be managed at the highest level of the organisation, i.e. the general manager and / or the CEO, because they will have to make decisions that can impact the whole event (setting up banks, impact on the number of queues at entrances, pricing policy for the service, etc.).
It is also important to hold regular meetings with all key managers so that they all have access to the same level of information and can share their concerns.
However, to ensure the cashless system roll-out goes smoothly for everyone and is a complete success, it is essential to appoint a Mr. or Mrs. Cashless! This cashless manager will be responsible for collecting queries from all the units of the organisation and act as a point of contact with the chosen provider.
This point of contact can be a current employee (general services, ticket manager, production manager, treasurer, etc.) or a new recruit dedicated to this project. Some major events even went so far as to create a role specifically for this function.
To go further and find out more about cashless systems, download our free white paper here.