Using your CRM database to communicate around your professional events

Organising a professional event brings its share of constraints and opportunities. Among them, maintaining your network and developing your contacts are essential. Professional event organisers must therefore find solutions for communicating with their attendees and building real relationships with them. To do this, the most important thing is to take advantage of data collected at different times throughout attendees’ paths, including ticket purchases, access to events, and cashless payment. Here are the 5 steps for making the most of your CRM database and communicating better around your professional events.


  1. Choose a specialised, all-in-one solution
  2. Collect and store the right information
  3. Segment your contacts into relevant groups
  4. Create targeted communication campaigns
  5. Build loyalty with effective offers

1. Choose a specialised, all-in-one solution

CRM and/or emailing solutions exist in all forms, and vary according to all kinds of preferences. As an event organiser, you will benefit more from a BtoB events CRM than from a generalist solution. You’ll enjoy access to features designed specially for your type of event, be it a conference, trade show, seminar, webinar, etc.

Choosing an all-in-one solution is also a good idea, as you don’t want to spread your data or your precious time across multiple tools. Above all, this is a good way to take advantage of your professional contact database as efficiently as possible.

2. Collect and store the right information


Before throwing yourself head-first into creating a database or communication campaigns, it’s important that you ask yourself where you’re going to collect information on your contacts, including attendees, partners, sponsors, etc.

If you’re organising professional events with an online registration solution, you already have a source that’s reliable, appropriate and free. When they register, attendees of your trade show or your seminar will as a minimum provide their first name, surname and email address. You can even go further by customising your registration form in order to collect data that will allow you to become more familiar with your attendees.


A BtoB events CRM can store the aforementioned ticketing information and update it in real time. No more exports/imports, no more technical mistakes… no more never-ending headache! You also have all the information relating to attendees’ actions, including number of tickets purchased, date of purchase, access to your event, cashless payment, etc. All your solutions are synced in a single click: ticketing, access control, cashless payment and CRM.

Enjoy instant access to accurate data on your attendees and build up a real database of professional contacts. Finally, you can design communication campaigns to establish personalised relationships with your audiences according to the situation of each individual in relation to your event.

3. Segment your contacts into relevant groups

You now know how to collect information on your contacts; the next step is transforming your professional contact database into a real conversion machine. To do this, start by segmenting your contacts into relevant groups. They can take different forms, such as loyal attendees, those who don’t attend regularly, newcomers, etc.

Opt for a BtoB events CRM that offers you the option of carrying out this type of sorting with data obtained via your ticketing system and your other tools. WeezTarget allows you to go even further by creating dynamic groups. This means that attendees of your webinars or online conferences are automatically added to a group according to their actions (e.g. purchasing a ticket, having their ticket scanned at an entrance, turnover generated, etc.).

4. Create targeted communication campaigns

Is your CRM database complete and segmented? You now need to communicate in a targeted manner. A good CRM then becomes a BtoB events emailing solution. This allows you to create and send emails via the same interface you used to complete the two previous steps.

An intuitive and creative email editor is the key to personalising your campaigns according to the segments targeted. A solution like WeezTarget allows you to go all the way, from collecting information to delivering ultra-targeted and personalised messages.

5. Build loyalty with effective offers

Communicating and sending targeted messages will undoubtedly increase your turnover. However, it’s important that you monitor the profitability of each of your campaigns as well as their various performance indicators: turnover generated, average basket, number of orders placed, and tickets sold. An events CRM is much more than a solution intended for emailing and newsletters.

By doing this, you will be able to design new and increasingly relevant offers. A 50% discount for attendees who are losing interest, VIP access or an exclusive conference for your most loyal attendees… the possibilities are endless! You will then be able to reinvent your event by identifying what specifically attracts your different audiences.

Make the most of your CRM database now and free of charge with WeezTarget. Discover all of its features by logging in to your Weezevent account > Applications > CRM or by clicking on the button below:

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