How to develop your email database and increase your ticket sales

Email is the most effective way to communicate directly with your attendees. However, collecting email addresses is only useful if those concerned agree to receive information from you and are potentially interested in your event. How can you develop your email database and increase your ticket sales? Here are 4 methods proven to be effective by a range of event organisers.


  1. Publish your ticketing page, even during off-peak periods
  2. Place a newsletter subscription field in key places on your website
  3. Create a survey on social networks
  4. Organise a competition with an attractive prize

1. Publish your ticketing page, even during off-peak periods

If you want visitors to your website to take specific actions, placing a newsletter subscription field at the bottom of each page won’t be enough. You need to grab them by the shoulders and shake them — figuratively, of course. Encourage visitors to take action by putting your ticketing page on your website even if it hasn’t yet been launched.

During an off-peak period — outside of sales periods — include a registration form on your ticketing page for those who are curious about the launch date of your ticketing system. People who are really interested will leave their email address here. You can also place the link to this page on your Facebook event. This allows you to turn thousands of ‘interested’ people into email addresses to be targeted in your database, which is much more concrete!

According to Thomas, Product Owner of our events-based CRM and a specialist in email marketing, an event or organisation that offers activities should always have an online ticketing page, even if this ‘only’ includes a registration form: ‘This allows you to collect valuable email addresses all year round and measure your projects’ attractiveness. What’s more, it’s free for your audiences.’

2. Place a newsletter subscription field in key places on your website

Do you already have a newsletter subscription field on your website? This is a good start, but you can go even further by syncing the contacts obtained via this module with those in your online ticketing system. The process is as follows: by replacing your current registration field with a WeezTarget module, the email addresses of those who register will be automatically added to the contact database within your Weezevent ticketing system.

The WeezTarget module can be integrated into your site and customised to match your brand image in just a few clicks. This guarantees that your database will be fed in an efficient, intuitive way through your website and your ticketing system.

3. Create a survey on social networks

More and more audiences are following event pages on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This brings opportunities, but also makes it more difficult to target attendees in a precise manner, unlike email campaigns that use events-based CRM.

One way around this problem is to organise a survey on your social networks — especially on Facebook Events — using a Typeform or Google Forms questionnaire. The aim is to ask for attendees’ email addresses at the end of the survey. Specify that the Email field is optional, but is useful for keeping them updated with future announcements about your event.

Tip: Survey your subscribers on a subject they’ll find exciting, such as your event’s scheduling, for example. Title your questionnaire: ‘Who do you want to see on the poster for our next edition?’ This will be all the more useful as you’ll be able to segment your audiences for future communication campaigns according to the answers you receive.

4. Organise a competition with an attractive prize

When they’re well done, competitions provide strong incentives for audiences to interact and quickly lead to positive results. How should you choose an attractive prize? Ideally, you want it to be linked to your event so that attendees are more likely to be interested and to attend, rather than simply taking part in order to win a prize.

Depending on the nature of your event and the value of your tickets, an easy option might be to add a prize of 2 VIP tickets into the mix. To make the prize even more attractive, you could add a night in a hotel or an opportunity to meet your headliner.

Follow these 4 tips and you’ll see an increase in the number of contacts in your email database. This should result in an increase in your ticket sales and attendance at your events. However, collecting email addresses won’t pay off if you don’t send high-quality, targeted marketing campaigns. Weezevent offers a CRM solution for events, designed so that organisers can connect their data in just one click in order to engage their attendees and aim right every time. Discover WeezTarget by clicking on the button below:

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