4 mistakes made by organisers of virtual events and how to prevent them

Organising virtual or livestreaming events has become increasingly important in recent years, whether for concerts, plays or conferences. Thanks to the progress of technology, live broadcasting of an event or a show has become much easier, but still requires rigorous preparation. Here are the 4 most common mistakes made by organisers when preparing their first virtual event and the solutions to prevent them.


Mistake #1: Having eyes bigger than your belly

Many organisers of virtual events want to ‘do it all at once’. However, what might seem simple at first glance, such as inviting several speakers or superimposing graphic elements, can’t always be done on a conventional broadcasting platform and without certain key skills.

The solution: Simplify your first virtual events

Make sure you can get your message across with the budget you have. Keep things as simple as possible, and remember: all you really need for successful streaming is a laptop or a phone and an internet connection. It’s best to start humbly and add extra layers later, such as a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera, for example.

Mistake #2: Forgetting to test effectively

Mid broadcast is not the best time to learn the basics of virtual events. Most broadcasting platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitch and YouTube allow users to preview their feed or carry out tests in ‘private mode’. This is ideal for moving forward with confidence as you get to see the final result while being out of public view. Above all, live streaming requires a very good internet connection. This can vary at different times of the day or even be insufficient depending on the elements added to your live feed (speakers, visuals, music, etc.).

The solution: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

Practice as much as possible in order to set up the different sequences of your event and things will fall into place with each rehearsal. The smooth running of major events is not a matter of chance — rehearsals last several hours, and sometimes even days. Plan at least one rehearsal with all attendees, or potentially with the same number of people by asking colleagues and friends to take on a role. Ask yourself: what are the various stages of the event? Will you need to hurry through the different phases? Who will take care of which tasks? Leave no room for the uncertainties of live broadcasting, as far as practically possible.

Important: Test your internet speed on speedtest.net and make sure it’s sufficient in terms of the recommendations for the platform you’re using.

Mistake #3: Errors in the choice of channels for broadcasting

Once you’ve rehearsed all the elements of your event and are ready to broadcast it, you might believe everything’s wrapped up. However, you need to think carefully about where your content is going. Ask yourself the right questions: what are my audience’s favourite broadcasting platforms? How are you going to attract audiences to this or that channel? Who will be interested in your content? Which platform best fits the chosen format?

The solution: Choose the most effective channel

There’s no point in trying to be everywhere. It’s better to choose one or two channels where you’re sure to reach your audience. In addition, some platforms specialise in certain areas or formats. Twitch specialises in games. YouTube and Facebook are more mainstream. Zoom is suitable for professional events. Instagram works well for one-on-one discussions. And they all have different ways of offering interactions with the audience. It’s up to you to find the balance between your needs and the expectations of your audience.

Mistake #4: Preparing your virtual event alone

The more elements, speakers or material you add to your virtual event, the more likely you are to trip up or be faced with unforeseen circumstances. Achieving a flawless result with graphic overlays, multiple guests and attractive decors will probably require a large budget and substantial expertise.

The solution: Seek advice from specialists

Specialised service providers help brands or event creators find the right equipment and work smarter in order to design successful virtual events. Their staff have hundreds of events of this type to their credit. This is a rare and valuable experience that you won’t have if you’re just getting started in virtual events. If the cost of a service is too high for you, ask for simple advice on how to get started. And if you feel there’s potential for development after having done one or more live events, hire an expert.

You now know the 4 major pitfalls to avoid in order to organise a successful virtual event. Weezevent offers an online ticketing solution and ticket registration to get you started right now:

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