SYMiBIO for Synergy Microfluidcs Biology will take place in Paris (at IPGG) the 24-25th of March 2016.
Free registration
The objective of SYMiBio is to promote scientific exchanges and stimulate interactions between biologists and people of the microfluidics community. This workshop has been initiated by the "Mission pour l'interdisciplinarité du CNRS" and supported by CelTisPhyBio and IPGG Labex, PSL* and the GDR Microfluidique.
SYMiBio is opened to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and senior scientists.
The program contains a selection of presentations on a wide range biological systems, organized around three pillars illustrating the Microfluidics/Biology synergy : Decipher / Control / Analyze.
A poster session is included in the program to favor exchanges between scientists of the various fields.
SYMiBio Program
Day 1 : March 24th
8h45 Welcome
9h-9h40 Opening conference : Charles Baroud
Single cells to single colonies to populations: multi-scale cytometry using microfluidics
Session 1 : Analyze
9h40-10h15 François-Clément Bidard
Microfluidics and circulating tumor biomarkers
10h15-10h40 Philippe Nghe
Dynamics of compartmentalized RNA replicators
10h40-11h15 Coffee break
11h15-11h40 Matthias Meier
Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration Chip Technologies for Cells and Organisms
11h40-12h05 Thierry Leichlé
Real-time monitoring of protein binding kinetics using a fluorescence-based nanofluidic immunosensor
12h05-12h30 Emmanuel Delamarche
Tissue microprocessing using a microfluidic probe
12h30-14h15 Lunch + Posters
Session 2 : Control
14h15-14h50 Matthias Lutolf
Microfluidic approaches to pattern stem cells in space and time
14h50-15h15 Danijela Vignjevic
Cancer cells and fibroblasts in invasion
15h15-15h40 Pascal Hersen
Control of gene expression and synthetic circuits
15h40-16h30 Coffee break and Posters
16h30-16h55 Raphael Candelier
A microfluidic device to study chemical perception in zebrafish
16h55-17h20 Sophie Roth
Aster-aster interaction in 3D confinement
17h20-17h45 Maxime Dahan
Probing directional sensing in living cells with micro and nano-tools
17h45- 20h Cocktail and Posters
Day 2 : March 25th
Session 3 : Decipher
9h-9h35 Matthieu Piel
Deconstructing cell migration using microfluidics
9h35-10h00 Vincent Studer
Investigating neural development in engineered microenvironments
10h00-10h25 Alice Nicolas
Multi-scaled confinement and guidance of cells by gradients of rigidity
10h25-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11H25 Lydia Robert
Mutation dynamics and fitness effects studied at the single cell level
11h25-11h50 Gilles Charvin
Single cell analysis of training and inheritance during the adaptation to oxidative stress
11h50-12h30 Closing conference : Anselme Perrier
Human Pluripotent Stem Cell and Micro-technologies
for Neurodegenerative Diseases Modeling
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Organizer contact
Institut Curie
Stéphanie DESCROIX
Address : 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75005 PARIS
Phone : 0612428525