Organizer contact

Paris Region Entreprises

Héléne Tinti

Address : 11 rue de Cambrai - Bâtiment 28
75019 Paris

Phone : +33 (1) 75 62 58 40

Site :

Blog :



9.00: Coffee and registration

9.30 to 9.40: Introduction by Sabine Enjalbert, CEO, Paris Region Entreprises

9.40 to 10:00: Keynote "Future of tomorrow’s vehicle"  by Claude Laurgeau, scientific Advisor, Mines-ParisTech and Vedecom Institut

10:00 to 11:15: Presentation of each large company (6min/pitch): R&D strategy & goals in terms of parterships, Bosch, Faurecia, Orange,  Renault, Valéo, Nvidia....

11:15 to 11:30: coffee break

11:30 to 12:45: 15 pitches of start-up/research labs (5 min/pitch)

Topics : Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart transportation, electric vehicle technologies …

For example : communication vehicle to vehicle/communication vehicle to infrastructure/security


12:45 to 13:00: Frameworks for international partnerships by Daniel Bessis and Marie-Parrine Durot


13:00 to 14.30: networking lunch


14.30 to 18:00: B2B meetings between large compagnies (Ecomobility Ventures, Faurecia, Orange, Nvidia, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, Valéo, Visteon Electronics) and start-ups, innovative companies, research labs