Artificial Polymers, Micro-Structured Systems and Living Matter is a 2 half-days topical meeting, which has been initiated by the division "Physique et Vivant" of the Société Française de Physique (SFP) and the Groupe Français des Polymères (GFP). The meeting aims at stimulating interactions between physicists and chemists working in polymer sciences and those working on biology-related aspects with a focus on living or polymer micros-structured systems. It is opened to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and senior scientists.
The program contains a selection of presentations describing studies on artificial tissues, active or functional materials as well as functional systems. A poster session is included in the program to favor exchanges between scientists of the various fields.
Monday, January 19, 2015
13:15-13:45: Registration
13:45-14:00: Introduction (SFP-GFP): J.J. Benattar, P. Bassereau, J.L. Viovy
Artificial tissues
14:00-14:45: Keynote: Didier Letourneur (Inserm U1148 LVTS Laboratory, Biomat Association) "Polymers in 3D Scaffolds for Tissue Repair"
14:45-15:15: Romain Debret (Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et Ingénierie Thérapeutique, Lyon) "The artificial Skin engineering: from collagen hydrogel to new elastin-based composites"
15:15- 15:45: Fabien Guillemot (Poietis, Bordeaux) "Laser-Assisted Bioprinting to deal with tissue complexity"
15:45-17:00: Coffee break - Posters
Functional systems
17: 00-17:30: Maël Moguedet (S2P - Oyonnax) "Plastronics Technologies: when plastics meet electronics for Smart Plastic Products"
17:30-18:00: Yves Fouillet (CEA-Leti, Grenoble) "Stretchable microfluidics : sensors ans lab-on-chip applications"
18:00-18:30: Annie Colin (LOF, Bordeaux) "Microfluidics: a tool to study complex fluids"
18:30 - 21:00: Posters - Cocktail reception
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Functional and active Materials
9:15-10:00: Keynote: Jean-Francois Joanny (Institut Curie, ESPCI, Paris) "Active behavior of the Cytoskeleton"
10:00-10:30: André Deratani (IEM, Montpellier) "Membranes dynamiques autonomes via l'assemblage de copolymères à blocs : autoréparation et translocation"
10:30-11:00: Alba Marcellan (ESPCI, Paris) "Gluing gels and biological tissues by nanoparticle solutions"
11:00-11:30: Coffee break
11:30-12:00: Pierre Nassoy (Institut d'Optique, Bordeaux) "The Cellular Capsules Technology"
12:00-12:45: Keynote: C. Lavelle (National Museum of Natural History, Paris) "Delicious physics"
Afternoon: possibility of lab visits @ Institut Curie and PSL sites
Scientific committee: C. Creton (ESPCI), V. Croquette (ENS), M. Tatoulian (Chimie Paristech), P. Tabeling (ESPCI, IPGG)
Registration Dead-Line: 12 January 2015
Artificial Polymers, Micro-Structured Systems and Living Matter
75005 Paris
Organizer contact
Institut Curie | SFP | GFP
Organizing committee: P. Bassereau (I. Curie), J-L. Viovy (I. Curie), J-J. Benattar (SFP)