Workshop sur la Gestion de Classe Montessori
La normalisation en pratique
animée par Cathy Swan
En anglais, traduit en français
Montessori Class Management workshop
The normalisation in practive
Animated by Cathy Swan
Accueil 8h30 / Démarrage du workshop à 9h / Fin du workshop à 17h
Welcome 8h30 / Workshop starts on 9h / End of workshop 17h
Restaurants et Migros autour de la salle, possible de manger dans la salle, aucun moyen de réchauffer des plats.
Restaurants and Migros near the place, possible to eat within the class, not possible to warm up your lunch.
Maison des association : Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Genève, Suisse - Parking Plaine de Plainpalais payant
Pour plus d'information, contactez-nous par mail / For more information, please contact us per mail:
CATHY SWAN has been an Educator since 1976 and holds a BA in English, a BA in Psychology and Teacher Certification, an AMI Primary Teacher diploma and a Masters of Education. In 2004 Cathy obtained AMI Auxiliary Primary Teacher Trainer status. Cathy has held teaching and head of school positions, as a Course Assistant at the Montessori Institute Northwest while serving as the Administrator, as an Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood Education at Portland Community College, and as a Board member of several Montessori schools, and as a Consultant for teachers and administrators throughout the US, Australia, Thailand and China. Cathy has a total of 22 years in the classroom and 17 years in administration. She was the Head of School of Inner Sydney Montessori School in Sydney, Australia, and is currently Head of School of MSB in Portland, Oregon.
For economical, logistics and ecological reasons, please bring your coffee cup and spoon with you !
We will leave some coffee, tea and sweets at your disposal.
Pour des raisons économiques, logistiques et écologiques, prenez vos tasse et cuillière avec vous !
Nous nous chargeons du café, du thé et des friandises
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La Gestion de Classe Montessori
Contact organisateur
Association Montessori Suisse
Marie-Laure Debacker - Présidente Association Montessori (Suisse)
Adresse : Association Montessori Suisse
1200 Genève
Téléphone : 00000000