The 15th ISIR summer school will be hosted at the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the University of Luxembourg, led by Professor Joachim Arts.
The aim of the Summer School is to bring together PhD students and professors with a background in inventory management to discuss and improve their research. The arrangements of the Summer School will be similar to the traditions we developed over the decades. This means that we hope to have around 50 participants, about half of them PhD students. The participation fee is 200 Euros, various accommodation options will be offered after the confirmation.
ABOUT THE TOPIC Industry 4.0, the Internet-of-Things or Smart Industry are only a few nicknames to describe our current digitalized economy, characterized by automation, communicating devices and the increased availability of data and computing power. New methodologies such as advanced data science and machine learning have found their way into various business applications such as self-driving cars, virtual assistants or improved fraud detection. These techniques also have applications to improve inventory management when large amounts of inventory data are available. Where traditional models are based on conventional understanding and calibrated by data, data driven models are based on data and calibrated by the researchers understanding. The impact of these (and other) innovative approaches on inventory management plays a central role in this year’s Summer School.
Key research streams in the Summer School include are (but are not limited to): · Forecasting for Inventory Management · Machine Learning for Inventory Management · Inventory Management for Service Logistics · Interface between Inventory Management and Transport & Logistics (Synchromodal Transport, Collaborative Shipping, etc.) · Supply Chain Design and Inventory Management · Technological and Business Interfaces to Inventory Management · Inventory Management for Humanitarian Operations · Supply Chain Risk Management · Supply Chain Dynamics · Offshoring, Nearshoring and Dual Sourcing · Inventory management for perishable goods · Inventory management for sustainable supply chains
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: PhD students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing research with their peers, as well as with senior researchers. For each presentation two participants, one Ph.D. student and one senior researcher, will act as discussants. In addition to the presentations of Ph.D. students, senior researchers will give talks and offer tutorials. If the COVID situation permits, there will be a number of social activities that combine the useful with the pleasurable. In addition to the discussions on inventory research, you will see inventory management in practice if conditions allow visits to companies.
DEADLINES: May 30th, 2021
Preliminary registration (without financial obligation) and abstract submission June 15th, 2021.
Each registrant will be notified about the decision and the acceptance of his/her abstract. June 30, 2021
Final registration with paying the registration fee July 30, 2021
Submission of complete working papers ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Joachim Arts ( Benny Mantin ( Nicole Perez ( Sarah Van der Auweraer ( Melvin Drent (
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L-1359 Luxembourg
Organizer contact
Universite du Luxembourg A
Numéro de TVA : LU 19805732
Address : 2, avenue de l’Université,
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Phone : 00352 4666446043