EFEED- European Fund for Engineering Education Development - chaired by Didier Lombard co-organizes with the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions an international Conference on Thursday May 31st and Friday, June 1st , 2018: Organizing Urban Resilience to Major Risks.
This conference will bring together the leading companies in water supply, energy, ICT and transportation sectors, the main insurance companies concerned as well as cities and regions in Europe and neighborhood countries. The 100 Resilient Cities network is partner of the Conference.
We solicit the higher education institutions, research and innovation centers involved in resilience to present their scientific contributions to the theme.
The European Commission will be represented at the highest level of JRC, DG HOME, DG ECHO and DG NEAR and will present the operational conclusions of the Conference.
Organizing Urban Resilience to Major Risks
Organizer contact
René-François BERNARD - Directeur
Address : 116 rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris