91405 Orsay cedex FRANCE
Major advances in basic research of cutaneous melanoma have lead to novel treatment options that are making a difference for melanoma patients. However, multiple challenges lie ahead and further advances are necessary, particularly with respect to resistance to these novel therapies. Institut Curie, Gustave-Roussy, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré and ISTEM belong to the Université Paris-Saclay. This university has the unique opportunity to regroup high profile teams and centers focusing their interest on this disease. Bringing together basic, translational and clinical scientists who focus on melanoma for a one-day meeting is an opportunity to share ideas and to stimulate efficient interactions.
The organizers
Lionel Larue Institut Curie - INSERM U1021 - CNRS UMR3347
Carole Thomas Institut Curie - INSERM U1196 - CNRS UMR9187
Stephan Vagner Institut Curie - CNRS UMR3348
A savoir
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9:00 Accueil des participants autour d'un "café-croissant"
9:30 Introduction
Modérateur : Lionel Larue
10:00 Caroline Robert (Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif)
Mélanome : l'état des lieux aujourd'hui pour le traitement des formes métastatiques
10:30 Philippe Saiag (Hôpital Ambroise-Paré, Boulogne-Billancourt)
Does vitamin D has a role in the prognosis of melanoma? A controversy arising from prospective studies.
11:00 Marie Dutreix (Institut Curie, Orsay)
Radiotherapy and DNA repair inhibitors in Melanoma treatment
11:30 Christine Baldeschi (ISTEM - Evry)
Utilisation des cellules souches pluripotentes pour la modélisation et le traitement d’atteintes pigmentaires.
12:00 Buffet et session de poster
Modérateur : Carole Thomas
14:30 Véronique Delmas (Institut Curie, Orsay)
Relevant mouse melanoma models for humans
15:00 Sébastien Apcher (Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif)
Multiple mechanisms of regulation of pioneer translation products (PTPs) in melanoma
15:30 Hélène Malka-Mahieu (Institut Curie, Orsay)
Synergistic effects of eIF4F and MAPK inhibitors on proliferation of NRAS and BRAF-mutated melanoma cell lines
16:00 Pause café
Modérateur : Stephan Vagner
16:30 Alain Eychène (Institut Curie, Orsay)
Rôles des protéines RAF dans la progression du mélanome induit par les mutations NRAS
17:00 Mehdi Khaled (Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif)
Molecular mechanisms driving melanoma invasion
18:00 Conclusion
18:15 Happy Hour
Plan d'accès
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