The Highlites réunit une trentaine de choristes d'horizons différents autour d'un répertoire original et métissé, mélange d'harmonies classiques et de rythmes pop, rock, reggae ou traditionnels africains. Ils ont donné de nombreux concerts, dont certains exceptionnels (Olympia, Alhambra, Londres…) avec la participation de musiciens et de chanteurs professionnels, et d’autres dans des écoles, des prisons...
La chorale est représentée par ZAP Music, association habilitée à recevoir des dons* afin de promouvoir les musiques nouvelles, notamment auprès des enfants.
The Highlites are a group of some thirty singers from different backgrounds, with an original, cross-disciplinary repertoire blending classical harmonies with pop, rock, reggae and traditional African rhythms. They have given numerous concerts, including some exceptional ones (Olympia, Alhambra, London...) with the participation of professional musicians and singers, and others in schools, prisons...
The choir is represented by ZAP Music, an association authorized to receive donations* to promote the music of JB Meldrum.
* (articles 200, 238 bis et 885-0 V bis A du Code Général des Impôts)
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More about...
The Highlites choir brings together singers from different countries singing a unique, original repertoire of music mixing classical harmonies with reggae, pop-rock and African rhythms.They have given many concerts over the past 13 years often with the participation of professional musicians and singers (including the mythical Olympia and Alhambra theatres in Paris as well as shows in London) as well doing workshops with school children and even in prisons…
The Highlites choir is represented by the ZAP Music association, a non-profit organisation based in Paris which is entitled to receive tax deductible donations to help continue their work on promoting their musical and humanist projects to new audiences, notably to young people.
Contact organisateur
Catherine URQUIJO - Présidente
Adresse : 13 passage des Soupirs
75020 PARIS
Téléphone : 0625943779