(ENGLISH will follow)
Rendez-vous des entrepreneur.e.s Vegan avec projet restauration ou resto déjà opérationnel. Pour se regrouper, selon sujet & type de projet, pour mieux s'organiser et s’entre-aider.
Venez discuter avec des autres entrepreneur.e.s Vegan, en dégustant un thé et quelque chose à grignoter !
La communauté Vegan ne peut que profiter de plus de projets, et les entrepreneurs Vegan ne peut que profiter de s'entre-aider ! Ou, mieux encore, faire equipe pour l'aventure !
Prochain rendez-vous - tout type de projet - le samedi 19 juin, 16h00 - 18h30. Pas besoin de venir 16h pile, mais on termine vers 18h30.
Réservation obligatoire et places limités dans le context Covid (le rdv a lieu dans la salle du restaurant) :
We hold meetings for Vegan entrepreneurs with all sorts of projects. General meetings are for all types of projects that we then divide into smaller themed groups, to better structure & organize our projects and help each other out.
The meetings are informal! We meet up and discuss, over tea and snacks. When you are new to the group, you introduce yourself and your idea/dream/project/business.
Some of us may be looking for guidance, others for business partners, others for ideas... Maybe some ideas overlap.
The vegan community can only benefit from more projects, and vegan entrepreneurs can only benefit from supporting each other, or even teaming up for the adventure!
The next meeting - restaurant projects or already existing restaurants on restaurants in hardship after Covid-19 - will be held Saturday June 19, 4pm - 6:30pm. No need to arrive at 4pm sharp, , if you can't due to work restrictions or other, but we will wrap up by 6:30pm.
Reserving your seat is mandatory (space is more limited than usual due to Covid-19 restrictions. The meetings take place in the dining room of the restaurant):
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Vegan Entrepreneur & Business Support MeetUp
Contact organisateur
My Kitch'n par Ex Animo
Jennifer Eric - Presidente
Adresse : 82 rue Lemercier
75017 Paris
Téléphone : 0616154474