Le prix des Femmes Architectes a été mis en place avec l'aide du Ministère de la Culture, la région ile de France, le pavillon de l’arsenal, de l'Ordre des Architectes, ainsi qu'avec le soutien de BNP Paribas Real Estate, Ciments Calcia, Unibail Rodamco -Westfield et Cogedim, Tema architecture, Batiactu et le courrier de l’architecte.
8eme prix des femmes architectes
Le site du projet :
The prize for Women Architects was established with the help of the Ministry of Culture, the Ile de France region, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, the Order of Architects, as well as with the support of BNP Paribas Real Estate, Ciments Calcia, Unibail Rodamco -Westfield and Cogedim, Batiactu and le courier de l’architecte.
The 8th Women Architects Award Ceremony which will be broadcast live
on facebook ARVHA
The 2020 Women Architects Award Ceremony will take place on
December 9, 2020 in visio conference
from 4:45 pm to 7 pm
With the participation of DENIS DESSUS, President of the
National Council of the Order of Architects.
Catherine GUYOT Secretary General of ARVHA
President of Women in Architecture France
With Spela KUHAR Vice President of the Jury
Representative of the Chamber of Architects of Slovenia
And Catherine PAPILLON director of sustainable development
BNP Paribas Real Estate
Awarding of the Young Woman Architect Prize with
Béatrice AUXENT Présidente of Architectuelles Hauts-de-France
Marie PERIN de TICA Architects and Urban Planners
Young Woman Architect Award 2019
Price of the original work
by Iris WEX member of the CEA
Representative of the Chamber of Architects and Engineers of Germany
Fabienne BULLE And awarding of the Young Woman Architect Prize by Elizabeth GOSSART elected to the CNOA e 2019 original artwork
and Marie-France CHATENET Special mention original work 2019
2020 International Award
Presentation of the international award with
Bettina DREIER FROLA representing the Austrian Chamber of Architects and leader of the transnational project YES WE PLAN, which aims to propose solutions to improve the place of women in architecture,
And Sophie BERTHELIER Winner 2017 Woman Architect Award
Member of the Academy of Architecture of France
Woman Architect Award 2020
With Dominique JAKOB, winner of the 2019 women's architect award
Member of the Academy of Architecture of France
And Catherine GUYOT president of the Jury and
president of Women in Architecture France
Conclusion by
Spela KUHAR VICE President of the Jury
Representative of the Chamber of Architects and Engineers of Slovenia
Denis DESSUS chairman of the French National Council of Architects
And to confirm
A representative of the Ministry of Culture - subject to confirmation
Mrs. Aurelie COUSI Director of Architecture or her representative
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Prix des femmes architectes 2020
Contact organisateur
Conference et exposition Femmes architectes de Paris - secrétaire générale
Numéro de TVA : FR24398910273
Adresse : 5, 7 rue eigène spuller
75003 Paris
Téléphone : 09 84 04 39 73
Portable : 07 50 14 90 37