
The War On Terror And State Extremism
15 October 2018 14h-18h
Invited by the group RESO- Doctoral school
CERI Sciences Po Paris 199 boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 Paris ( 3rd floor)
This year the quiet annual reflections on the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the post 9/11 military campaigns to remodel the Middle East were granted slightly more media attention than usual; yet there remains still a lack of meaningful acknowledgement, and response to, the uncountable death count, estimated by some to be as high as 2.4 million, of the true gravity of the violence inflicted.
The US, France and the United Kingdom’s domestic variant of the War on Terror that have been cultivated and sustained at home in parallel to the military operations in Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Mali or Afghanistan, have bred an arsenal of measures now readily available to the state in the name of securitisation.
The mobilisation of popular consensus in support of laxer extradition arrangements with the US, indefinite detention, torture, deportation ‘with assurances’, drone killings, citizenship deprivation, passport removals, secret justice and more required the identification of a suspect population. Muslims criminalised as terrorism suspects became a suitable target both at home and abroad. In the US the Countering Violent Program (CVE) has solely concentrated on Muslims just like the Prevent program in the UK or the multiple counter “radicalisation” campaigns lead by the French Government. Despite civil society mobilisation, governments have refused to question an obviously failed strategy given the increase in the number of terrorist attacks in Europe and North America, and military operations abroad. What the future holds is still uncertain as, despite the human, political and financial costs of the war on terror, the root causes remain to be addressed.
The Justice & Liberties For All Committee (CJL), a France based transnational human rights and civil liberties organisation will organise a two part event to discuss the realities of the war on terror and its effects on the rule of law in Europe and North America.
Dr. Nisha Kapoor from the University of York, UK will come to introduce her latest book “Deport, Deprive, Extradite. Twenty First Century Extremism” along with her two short movies “The Eyes of Aliyah” and “Aden and the Spiders” . The last part of the event will be a debate with the public and a signing of the book.
14h00-15h00: Table Ronde 1
État des lieux de la guerre contre le terrorisme et ses répercussions sur le droit
_Muhammad Rabbani, Avocat, Directeur de l’association CAGE UK
_Félix Tréguer, Président de La Quadrature Du Net
_Dr. Didier Bigot, Maître de conférences à Sciences Po, éditeur de la revue “Culture et Conflits”
Table ronde présidée par Yasser Louati, Co-Fondateur du CJL
15:00-16:00 Table Ronde 2
Rôle des débats identitaires dans les politiques d’exception, les extrêmes ont ils gagné?
_Emmanuel Daoud, Avocat au barreau de Paris, membre de la FIDH
_Dr. Jalila Sbaï, Historienne, chercheure associée à la chaire d'histoire contemporaine du Monde arabe au Collège de France, auteure de “La Politique Musulmane de la France”
Dr. Francesco Ragazzi, Maître de Conférence à l’Université de Leiden, Directeur Scientifique du rapport
“Les effets de la lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisation sur les populations musulmanes en France”
_ Pr Akos KOPPER, Directeur du département de relations internationales et d'études européennes, ELTE University, Budapest
Table ronde présidée par Anissa Righi, Analyste Juridique pour le CJL
16:15 Dr Nisha Kapoor on her book “Deport Deprive Extradite”
Discussion with:
Malia Bouattia, Human Rights & Civil Liberties Activist, United Kingdom
Muhammad Rabbani, CAGE Director, United Kingdom
Francesco Ragazzi, Professor International Relations
Yasser Louati, Co-Founder, Justice & Liberties For All Committee
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Guerre Au Terrorisme Et Extrémisme de l'État avec Dr Kapoor
Contact organisateur
Comité Justice & Libertés Pour Tous
Yasser Louati - Président
Adresse : 65 rue des Trois Fontanot
92000 Nanterre
Téléphone : 0652177491