6pm - 7:30pm : ONLINE ROUND TABLE
The art of building a network has evolved a lot these last months. It’s not a secret : physical and digital contacts don’t feel the same. If you don’t want to get too lost in a world where you have to adapt quickly, you need to find ways and solutions to humanize the digital platforms and to make them yours.
"Textile Culture Net" is a direct answer to the issues we all met last year with the consecutive cancellations of fairs and exhibitions, one after another. Online exhibitions are organized on Instagram to reconnect with the public, while the museums are still unsure to be able to stay open when they are not closed.
The Textile Culture Net is an initiative from 4 different textile institutions : CHAT in Honk-Kong, Central Museum of Textiles in Poland, TextielMuseum in The Netherlands and Lottozero in Italy.
Arianna Moroder (creative director) and Alessandra Tempesti (curator) from Lottozero and Sjouk Hoitsma (curator) from the TextielMuseum will be our guests for this 4th and last round table of inprocess SUPERVISION.
Alexander Marinus is a designer based in Brussels and a resident at the MAD, he will be our invited facilitator.
Lottozero :
TextielMuseum :
Alexander Marinus :
1. Register via this link :
2. Soon after you will receive a JITSI link.
Click on it on Wednesday 9th of June at 6pm, and join us !
JITSI is a free open source software. It doesn't require to download anything. You just click on the link and you're good.
If you are in Brussels, joins us after the round table, in front of the MAD Home of Creators, to discover the fruit of the collaboration between Marius Escande, Sarah Illouz and Alexander Marinus, three designers and students at the ERG. They transformed wool residues into a felted tapestries that is shown in Brussels and in Paris. WHAT ? How is it possible ? Well, the physical version is visible in Brussels in one of the MAD building's windows, while the digital NFT version is presented at the exhibition "LABO_DEMO#21" at Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris. (until the 16th of June)
ABOUT inprocess :
inprocess is a mini-festival gathering artists, designers and artisans during one month around one exhibition at the Forest Abbey and the RENDEZ-VOUS.
The borders between art, design and craft are being explored, while it is also a great opportunity to meet other professionals and amateurs.
1st edition took place in October 2021.
2nd edition started on the 13th of May and will end on the 11th of June.
Follow us on instagram : @inprocess_forest
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inprocess / RENDEZ-VOUS n°4 : How to design a network ? - Online round table
09/06/2021 - 18:00 à 19:30
Contact organisateur
Margaux Minodier
Adresse : rue du Monténégro 144
1190 Bruxelles
Téléphone : 0490199435