Un atelier de 2 heures en anglais pour apprendre par la pratique The strength-based way to Efficiency!
L'intervenant David Shaked est l'auteur du livre Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma: Building Positive and Engaging Business Improvement :
Strength-based Lean Six Sigma is a new way of approaching process improvement that combines the best practices of two established methodologies. Strength-based Lean Six Sigma blends the energy, creativity and commitment released through the strengths-based approach of Appreciative Inquiry with the rigour of process improvement generated by Lean Six Sigma.
Strength-based Lean Six Sigma offers practitioners from all disciplines the opportunity to understand each other and work successfully together to drive effective and powerful change programmes that move beyond problem solving and waste/defects elimination. In this workshop David will provide an interactive experience of the approach.
L'évènement est organisé par la société YisY, hébergé par Rupture(21, le pot de fin est offert par ISLean, la venue de David est financée par Operae Partners et des livres seront offert aux participants par OCTO.